Wednesday, January 7, 2009

tWiLigHt sERieS \(^0^)/

Cite twilight ni aku rase mmg btol2x berhantu la...die telah membuatkn aku twilight addict...ngehehehe...n guess what guys...aku dh berjaye mengumpul all the series...wpon di peringkat awal pengumpulan byk halangan cthnye all the book store yg aku pegi dh out of akhirnye time krismas aritu aku berjaye memborongnye di MPH Alamanda...

sume novel di atas telah aku miliki...yeay!!i'm soooo hepi...skang ni aku dh khatam bace new moon n eclipse...sdg dlm process menyudahkn bacaan breaing dawn...cite die mmg super duper best korg...ade yg thrill n ade gak part2 yg romatika d' amour...owh Tarabas...silap...owh Edward Cullen...korg tau bile dh bace one series ni kan keterujaan tuk bace next series adelah sgt2 tinggi..aku time b'cuti2 msia aritu sggup stay up smpi kul 2 pg semate2 mmbace novel ini...for those yg nak tau lebey mengenai all these novel bleh g ke official site stephenie meyer..kt site tu ade all those info pasal twilight...make it novel ataupon muvie...

kt ctu gak la aku terbace yg stephenie ni dpt idea tulis novel ni melalui mimpi yg dialaminye sndiri...impressive kan???kt dlm mimpi tu die nmpk percintaan seorg awek dgn vampire..n vampire tu spt yg digmbrkn mmg super duper hensem, charming n sume la kriteria yg memikat hati..betape hebatnye novelist ni bleh mimpi smpi camtu...kalo mimpi aku, maksudkn dlm majalah ujang pon xtentu laku....hehehehehe....

p/s: btw sori ye jauze n hanis...aku masih hutang tagged korg..x sempat nk buat lg ni....hehehehe...

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