Saturday, January 31, 2009

tRaVeL dAys

Post ni adelah super duper lapuk...sbbnye dh brlaku last 2 weeks nearly 3 weeks pon...lame kan?sbbnye mcm aku kate sblm ni lebah pon x sesebok aku...hehehehe...aritu aku ade stori ckit2 kn yg bhwsnye aku g travel arnd msia in 5 days...not actually arnd msia to be aku travel north, east coast n south...kire lebey kurg cover gak la kan..kalo nk tau..jadual perjlnan aku adelah spt berikut:

isnin - bertolak ke alor setar
selasa - alor setar ke KLIA, pastu KLIA ke Kuantan
rabu - pagi bertolak ke Kerteh (nek van), pastu tghari ke KTganu..pastu KT ke
KLIA...then, ptg tu gak KLIA ke JB
khamis - the whole day kt JB
jumaat - bertolak blk ke KL

smpi KL...aku bapak punye penat...mane taknye..dh la ke hulu hilir...menjage 16 org..wpon hotel agak marvelous tp aku cume tido few hours je....sedey experience sgt mengujekn n priceless...ngeh..ngeh..ngeh...kpnatan agak worth it...hahahahaha...yg bestnye krn aku sorg pekerje gomen n membawe 16 org foreigner...bilikku sume diupgradekn...siap internet connection free di bilik n mini bar consumption adelah complimentary..hua..hua..hua..bile lg bleh dpt peluang cenggini kn...k guys...xtau dh nk cite pe..njoy the pics..
1) Tmpt beradu ketika travel...

-puteri pacific, JB-

-hyatt regency, kuantan-

-holiday villa, alor setar-

2) Part of tour activity

-1st time g Sawah aku ni-

-sdikit jamuan di tepi sawah-

-florida di Malaysia???-

-1st time gak smpi Port-

3) Bersame ahli rombongan jln2 nyusahkn org...hehehehe

-aku mcm sgt cerah di cni..yeay!!-

-time ni angin agak kuat-

- my 1st japanese bf...hahahahaha -

Gambar ade bnyk lg tp krn kelecehan mengupload n adjust...aku letak few je...cukup la kan...bkn penting pon..stkt ni jela yg aku dpt share...overall mmg awesome xperience...smbl2 dpt improve PR skill...hahahaha...improve la sgt n bgaul dgn org bukan warganegara Malaysia...wpon kt Msia ni ade bnyk je yg bukan warganegara kan...k...ini dulu post tuk cover blog yg telah lame ditinggalkn...till then, chow \(^0^)/

2 rEspON:

Hanis Razak said...

seriyes ko lah yg plg cerah kt situ..huahuahua..

Cik Musang said...

itula pasal...dh la nmpk mcm yg plg cerah...kalo ko tgk betol2x..aku juge adelah yg plg kecik...hehehehehe...terase comel sekejap..