Monday, July 14, 2008


Dis is the 1st, mcm bit nervous nk post ape....hehehe...

anyway xde pon intention memule tu nak wat blog2 ni...but when my fren kate leh generate a bit of income...i felt dat it sound a bit interesting...hehehe.....

patut dh balik umah ni coz dh after working hours pon...but since tetibe terigt psl blog ni...

sje la try2 create satu....padehal surat tuk pgl meeting tu x siap lg....

best plak layan lagu the little things ni...terigt cite wanted tu.....

k ah...i better go home now....rase cam nak mkn megi or eskem....nyumm...nyumm...


2 rEspON:

~BEE~ said...

yea..yea..akhirnye ko wat jgn lupa klu ada ilmu yg baru gtau aku ek..huhu..

eh..anyway..mane pic kita kat chop & steak tu?

Mazdee said...

Menarik juga bolg nie, ekk..
okey la tu...